A Religious Experience at a Bookstore

Monday 2 April 2012

To all my readers, I have so many pictures of amazing architecture on my computer that it would be a sin not to share them with you.  In fact, I think I even have enough material for a special AMAZING LIBRARIES edition. As you all must know by now, I have a weak spot for churches converted to lofts/cinema theatres/libraries.

Remember in one of my old articles where I showed you a picture of the Malmö Library in Sweden?  Now check this one out:

Innovative design at its best : Dutch bookstore chain converts 13th century cathedral in Maastricht, Holland into a contemporary bookstore!  A 3-story bookstore, you've heard right!

There's even a cafe and pretty seats at the choir section.  Now, if that doesn't make you want to read, I don't know what will.

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